
Getting started with deploying SPA, Node and Mongo Apps on Heroku - Developer Focused


First of all this blog is developer focused, hence I avoid going into details like Heroku for production. The purpose is to help developers quickly deploy apps on heroku for testing

What is Heroku?

Heroku is a Cloud Application Platform. It enables you to quickly and painlessly deploy your Applications on the cloud.

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Heroku supports following languages

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Why use Heroku?

In today's world a developer's Resume is really the following

Linkedin Profile Pointing to the following

    1. Your Opinions - e.g Blog
    2. Your Ideas - e.g Twitter
    3. Your Skills and Accomplishments as Ployglot programmer- Series of Hosted Applications on the cloud
    4. Online Source Code e.g
    5. Online Forum Activity and Scores e.g StackOverflow
    6. Online Presentations e.g Slide share
    7. Online Videos e.g Youtube

Now lets focus on the part in Red - Series of Hosted Applications on the cloud

A Developer writing, testing and showcasing application on the cloud has to as easy as he/she does this on his/her laptop. And Developers love

  1. Free Quotas on Servers, Database and Hosting
  2. Command line tools to work on cloud as they are working locally
  3. Popular AddOns e.g for Node easy and ready addons like Mongo, Redis, etc makes lot of sense
  4. Use known tools to deploy the app

Well Heroku is built thinking about all these things.

Getting Started Guide Available for Popular Languages

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Command Line Tool Available to deploy apps and check logs and status

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Easy to Add Free Quota based Addons

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How to use Heroku?

Enough of Bluff, now lets move to Stuff


  1. Create Heruko Account & Install Command Line Tool
  2. Clone existing Node, SPA (Single Page Application - HTML/JS), MongoDB locally
  3. Run the existing Node, SPA, MongoDB Application locally
  4. Run the existing Node, SPA, MongoDB Application locally using Heroku
  5. Run the existing Node, SPA, MongoDB Application on cloud using Heroku

Lets get Started

Create Heruko Account & Install Command Line Tool

Step 1

Goto and sign up

Step 2

Install Heroku Toolbet from

Step 3

Ensure Heroku is properly installed by trying heroku tool on command prompt

$> heroku

Clone existing Node, SPA, MongoDB locally

SPA stands for Single Page Application typically built using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3

We will refer to an already existing Todo MVC from this source -

* Todo MVC - An App which demonstrates how to create a simple Todo App, in various technology stacks. This is the new Hello World


  1. git command line client is installed
  2. node and npm are installed
  3. mongodb 2.4.x downloaded, unzipped and in path
  4. configure git and npm to work around any firewall restrictions you have

Step 1

Clone the example from github

$>git clone

Run the existing Node, SPA, MongoDB Application locally

Step 1

Start your mongodb database


Verify whether mongodb is running by trying following command on a different command prompt


* mongod is the mongo daemon/server and mongo is the client to connect to the server to try few mongo commands. Do not close the command prompt running mongod

 Step 2

Fetch all the dependencies

$>cd node-backbone-mongo

Download all dependencies

$>npm install

Step 3

Start the application

$>node app.js

Open Browser - http://localhost:3000

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Run the existing Node, SPA, MongoDB Application locally using Heroku

Step 1

Login into Heroku using command prompt tool

$>cd node-backbone-mongo

$>heroku login

Step 2

Create Application on Heroku Cloud using command prompt Tool

$>cd node-backbone-mongo

$>heroku apps:create todomvc-trial

* the app name is unique across heroku, try some other unique name

Step 3

Create a Procfile

$>cd node-backbone-mongo

$>echo "web: node app.js" > Procfile

* Basically use any text editor and create a Procfile with following text

web: node app.js

Step 4

Run App locally using Heroku

The tool heroku uses to run the app locally is called as foreman and the it reads the Procfile to find out what it needs to run

$>cd node-backbone-mongo

$>foreman start

Start browser - http://localhost:5000/

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Run the existing Node, SPA, MongoDB Application on cloud using Heroku

Lets first of all foresee what problems we will face if we run this application as it is on Cloud

  1. It assumes there is a MongoDB server running on localhost at predefined port
  2. It assumes it will run on port 5000 - Not to a good port to run web app on

For here onwards there are 3 steps

  1. Add a Mongo DB add on to your Heroku App
  2. Make Code Changes to get correct MongoDB Url and Port Name while running App on the Cloud
  3. Push the App to Heroku (we are running it locally so far)

Add a Mongo DB add on to your Heroku App

Heroku has concept of add ons, which you can add to your existing apps. We will see how to add these from Command Prompt

Step 1

Find the Addon and Command for it

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[singlepic id=71 w=800 h=600 float=]

[singlepic id=70 w=800 h=600 float=]

Step 2

Run the Command

$> heroku addons: add mongolab

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Step 3

Verify the effects of the Command

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You can proceed and look at the database if you want

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Make Code Changes

We need to make code changes so our Application use the correct information for the following

  1. Which MongoDB to connect when on cloud and when running locally
  2. Which Port to run the Web Server on when on cloud and when running locally

Lets Open app.js and see what code we need to change

[singlepic id=73 w=800 h=600 float=] Orignal Code

var port = process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT || 3000;

  var services = JSON.parse(process.env.VCAP_SERVICES);
  var dbcreds = services['mongodb'][0].credentials;

  mongoose.connect(, dbcreds.db, dbcreds.port, {user: dbcreds.username, pass: dbcreds.password});
  mongoose.connect("", "todomvc", 27017);

Modified Code

Heroku has concept of Environment Variables. You need to see things as follows

  1. When you are running app locally using foreman, your code will have access to locally declared environment variables. e,g Port and Mongo DB Urls can come from environment variables or can be hard coded (as we have done)
  2. When you are running app in the cloud using heroku, its running on a server which has its own set of Environment variables. When we added the Mongo DB AddOn, heroku added an Environment variable named "MONGOLAB_URI"

JavaScript has a very easy way of doing if else (for fallback scenarios)

var port = process.env.PORT || 5000; really means if you can find process.env.PORT value (in short read PORT environment variable) then use if , if you don't find it then fallback to 5000

So on the cloud port is 80 and on your local machine it is 5000

Same thing applies to uristring, locally it falls to a locally running mongodb, on the cloud it uses one of the Add On Mongo DB (provided you have added them)

var port = process.env.PORT || 5000;

var uristring =
    process.env.MONGOLAB_URI ||
        process.env.MONGOHQ_URL ||

mongoose.connect(uristring, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        console.log ('ERROR connecting to: ' + uristring + '. ' + err);
    } else {
        console.log ('Succeeded connected to: ' + uristring);

* MONGOLAB_URI and MONGOHQ_URL - Well Heroku provides two addons for Mongo DB, depending on which one you choose heruko will declare one of the above Environment variable on the server/cloud machine where it runs your code


Push the App to Heroku

Now the final Step make this app run on the cloud. Well this part can not get any simpler

Heroku pushes code from local machine to its cloud using git mechanims. Its like checking in your code and the server checks it out and runs it (like Continuos build cycles)

Got thing with source code versioning tools like git is that it is a 2 step process

  1. Local Commit for tracking
  2. Push Changes to Remote Repository

Now we said Heroku uses git for pushing code to the cloud, this means your code has to be in a git repository

  1. Either Locally declared git repository
  2. OR cloned git repository as we are doing


First step carefully read the following part


Recall We did git clone from github

Unlike SVN or CVS, in git, we clone the entire repository on client machine and all the code, history is available. These cloned repository know where they can push changes, in this case the original github repository

Further Recall we did $>heroku apps:create

When we did $>heroku apps:create, it added a remote repository entry in our local git repository (to be precise with the name heroku)

Now when you commit changes locally and the local git repository goes out of sync (or advances) we have an option of pushing those changes to not only the

  1. Original github repository where we cloned from
  2. But also to Heroku cloud

Actual Steps to push code to Heroku

We have made code changes in app.js

Step 1

Commit changes to local repository

$>git commit -a -m "Code changes to make code run on Heroku"

Step 2

Push changes to Heroku

$>git push heroku master

You will see a long log here, which will show you what Heroku is doing on the server when it receives the latest code

Step 3

Access the App running on the cloud

$>heroku open

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Quick Recap

Following are the commands we used

$>git clone

$>heroku login

$>heroku apps:create todomvc-trial

$> heroku addons: add mongolab

$>git commit -a -m "Code changes to make code run on Heroku"

$>git push heroku master

Special Notes

In case you want to link an existing code (which is part of some git repo) with already existing heroku app, you can do the following


$ heroku git:remote -a todomvc-trial